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Karol Kosinski
Therapist Name
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Business Address
Online Practice

The mere fact that you are reading these words is a testament to your courage. A sign of determination, a sign that you want to make some positive changes in your life. Sometimes these changes may feel daunting. Sometimes, going through change can feel very lonely, but you do not need to walk this path alone.
Whatever brings you here, I want you to know that we all are looking for directions, for the right path to improve the way we feel, to finally get to feel just all right. You may be reading these words whilst thinking about how to move positively forward? Maybe, you just want to feel lighter on your soul? Maybe you are looking for ways to work on your self-confidence. Maybe you have decided to take the driver seat. Maybe you are thinking why me? Why is this keep happening to me? Whatever brings you here, I am here to support you on this journey.
Life brings us plenty of challenges that can spiral into an overwhelming muddle of emotions. We all have mental health and we all can struggle with it from time to time. You are not alone in feeling this way and we can all get lost down a track where we need to take a pause and assess how we got there.
I offer you a safe, genuine and non-judgmental space where you can explore who you really are. Your comfort and safety are of paramount importance to me. Contact me to arrange a comfortable and confidential no obligation first session. There is great value in simply assessing where you are, where you would like to be and you can decide if I am a good fit to accompany you on your journey.
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Membership level
Associate Member
Karyn Segers
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
Business Address
C/O Appleseeds Health Shop,
59b Market Street,
LA12 7LT


Hello, my name is Karyn Segers and I am the Owner and Therapist of Awaken Inner Sense.

With over 16 years of experience, I specialise in Energy Psychotherapy, Integrative & Outcome focused Psychotherapy, Hypno-Psychotherapy, Inner Child Healing Therapy, Past Life Healing/Regression, and Family Constellation/Ancestral Healing and Motivation Breakthrough Coaching, Reiki and Soul Healing.

My passion lies in bringing integrative, holistic, transformational and progressive healing development and enlightenment, resolving deep-rooted patterns, entanglements, unconscious/hidden blocks, past life issues, energetic family entanglements, inner child healing, overcoming anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse and other mental health challenges and supporting individuals to awaken/reawaken to their own truth, soul’s purpose/progression and true potential through self-empowerment, into people’s lives. I work with people of all ages, ranging from 18-94 years old.

My natural healing abilities, vast life experience and knowledge gained through my life journey, and continued training and development allow me to provide a safe, supportive, compassionate, empathic and nurturing environment that facilitates self-empowerment, development, enlightenment, transformation, progression, and deep inner healing.

I grew up in South Africa, and I have lived in the UK for over 20 years. I am based in Ulverston Cumbria, offering in-person and online (Zoom) sessions.

Membership level
Fellow Member
Natalie Young
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
01793 626040
Business Address
Aurora Mind and Body Ltd.
Registered Address:
Suite 1
5th Floor
City Reach
5 Greenwich View Place,
E14 9NN

I am currently working solely online as a therapist.

Phoebe Weiland
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
Business Address
Thame Therapy Clinic
23 Upper High Street

UKCP accredited hypno-psychotherapist, available in person and online. Please see my website for more information.

Membership level
Fellow Member
Shaun Brookhouse
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
0161 8811677
Business Address
10 Mayfield Rd
Whalley Range
M16 8FT

I have been in practice since 1989 as a hypnotherapist and have been UKCP Accredited and Registered Psychotherapist since 1996 and a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor since 2017. I am a founding member and Honorary Fellow of the National Society of Talking Therapies, as well as being President of the European Association for Hypno-Psychotherapy and a modality expert for the European Association for Psychotherapy. I have authored 5 books on hypnosis, coaching, motivation, and hypnosis training. I provide a caring, confidential and professional service to my clients. In addition to this, I also provide clinical supervision for both new and experienced psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors.

In 2018, I was made an Honorary Fellow of UKCP

Membership level
Fellow Member
Volker Ballueder
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
07824 189 739
Business Address
London and Brighton


I am an integrative hypnotherapist with added psychotherapeutic training on my pathway to become an integrative psychotherapist. I work across multiple psychotherapeutic models like parts, Gestalt, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and others, tailormade to your needs. Hypnosis often forms part of a wider modality.
My background is in sales and I understand what it means to be anxious. Working with middle aged men, I often find that when we get to midlife, there is something that we want to explore. I will help you to do exactly that, creating a safe space to explore why you might feel different or stuck.

Membership level
William Davies
Therapist Name
Website Address
Phone Number
07831 693684
Business Address
Delta House,
175-177 Borough High Street,

Whatever difficulties or challenges you may be struggling with, my role as a therapist is to guide you away from the struggle and towards flourishing. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the words to describe your experience, they are just labels. Broadly speaking, my work is grounded in the present, whilst being oriented towards the future, and acknowledges, integrates and honors the past.

I hold diploma level qualifications as both a hypno-psychotherapist and a clinical mindfulness teacher. As a psychotherapist I also work extensively with mindfulness-based approaches (such as ACT), and also Compassion Focused Therapy.

I am registered with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), and I’m approved by Anxiety UK to provide their members with hypnotherapy and compassion-focused therapy for anxiety.

My private practice is in London Bridge and I also offer online therapy sessions. Please do take a look at my web site, or get in touch by e-mail or phone for further information.